Thursday, 3 January 2013

World s Biggest Animal

World s Biggest Animal Detail
Blue whales are so big they are the biggest creature ever to have lived on earth - even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs! The largest whale ever measured was a female weighing 171,000 kgs and measuring over 90ft./27m long. The longest whale measured in at over 110ft./33m. If you laid him out on the ground he would take up the length of nine family-sized cars! The heart of a blue whale is the size of a car and their blood vessels are so large you could swim through them.
Imagine if you were sailing the ocean for the first time, venturing into a place you'd never seen before, and you look over the side of your boat into the water and see the creature in the photo at left. Imagine that you know almost nothing about what lives in the sea, or what to expect from any creatures you might see. This strange creature swimming near the surface is longer than the ship you are sailing on. You might be a little scared, especially having never seen it before and not knowing what it is capable of. You might even be worrying about whether this creature eats humans. The sheer size of it makes you wonder if it can capsize your ship in pursuit of a meal. But you have nothing to fear for this enormous animal is merely a whale.
World s Biggest Animal
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 
World s Biggest Animal 

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