Wednesday, 2 January 2013

World Animals

World Animals Detail
When an animal or an autistic person is seeing the real world instead of his idea of the world that means he's seeing detail. This is the single most important thing to know about the way animals perceive the world: animals see details people don't see. They are totally detail-oriented. That's the key.
It took me almost thirty years to figure this out. During all that time I kept a growing list of small details that could spook an animal without realizing that "seeing in details" was a core difference between animals and people. The first small detail I saw spook a cow was shadows on the ground. Cattle will balk at the sight of a shadow. Then the workers get out the electric prods, because they have no idea what's scaring the cattle, so they can't fix it. I first saw cattle get spooked by a shadow thirty years ago, and I've been seeing it ever since.
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 
World Animals 

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